Dec 23, 2010

The Packing Post

As a preparation for the trip to South America I read a lot (and I really mean A LOT) of travel blogs and one thing I noticed was that almost everyone have one (or more) posts dedicated to what they have in their backpacks. So of course, I can't write this blog without including a post about all the stuff I will be lugging around for 4 months (I promise there will a post about my actual trip soon...). I'm also thinking this post will be good to have if my bag(s) are stolen and I need to tell the insurance company what I had in them...

But instead of writing everything down and bore you to death - I will just show you the pictures.



Toilet-bag stuff


Small stuff


Medicine and first aid

And amazingly it all fit into my two bags (65L and a daypack) along with a few last minute items, like an ekstra sweatshirt and tanktop. Total weight around 17-18 kg. Hopefully I'll be able to get rid of some stuff along the way so I have room for some souvenirs...


  1. Hej Line
    Puha - at du kan være det får jo total rejsefeber af at følge med i din blog, og lidt ondt i ryggen af at læse om dine 18 kilo, må jeg indrømme.
    Det lyder til at du oplever en masse fantastiske ting, så skønt :-)
    Kh Sofie (der sidder på kontoret i en meget stille og forladt bygning på LIFE og fryser om tæerne.....)

  2. Hmmm ja, og jeg tror desværre ikke at min rygsæk er blevet lettere... Men det går at slæbe rundt på den - regner det som træning ;)
    Ja, her er ret så skønt i Argentina - kan klart anbefales hvis man skal ha' varmen i tæerne :)
    Du må hilse omkring dig.
    Kh Line
